
Monday, November 19, 2007

A moment away from work...or securing iPhone WIFI over EDGE

I have been plugging away at some rather dull CSS issues and my mind kept wandering to the hacks on my iPhone. I am in a coffee shop just down the street from my place, and they have open WIFI.

I kept thinking about the new installed apps on my iPhone and how it would be nice to just grab whatever open WIFI signal that was around without worry. Then I realized there are two radios on the phone. The EDGE data connection can act as a low bandwidth channel to send encryption data to any site, and the WIFI can send content data. The WIFI connection can connect to the main site with a suffix from the phone number. The encryption can be updated in real time say over an SMS message. So the only thing that gets sent over the clear would be the web address and that could be scrambled with a VPN like middle man server.

I did a quick search and it doesn't look like anyone is doing this yet. The programming is beyond my kung-fu but I would love to feel comfortable using open WIFI hotspots as well as the ones I have to pay for the encryption.

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