
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


xkcd - A Webcomic - Superlative

Really gonna try to be at least a little more than the Least Interesting Man in the World.  If nothing else I have pretty specific tastes in beer, give me a Scottish Cask condition 90 shilling and I can drink that all day.  That is possibly slightly interesting. 
Beer Styles - The Bitter Family - News and Features - Ratebeer

Now, for geekier interests, if the XKCD comic isn't enough, I am presently rocking 3 of the 5 browsers on my computer at once.  Firefox, Flock, and Chromium.  I am running OS X and like to break up my work flow between different browsers and virtual desktops spaces.  So I have Choosy running in the background tossing different kinds of links off to different browsers.  I almost have things properly separated out so social sites and tools are only in Flock.  The links that I get from peoples tweets go straight to Chromium, since it has no addons and is very light weight to quickly open a site.  And, Firefox takes the bulk of the rest of my browsing.  Safari and Opera Unite are still finding their proper place in my work flow pantheon.  But the built in web server in Opera Unite looks mighty interesting.

More interesting things to come I am sure, BTW I do speak French...well at least I did in high school.  Au revoir.

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