
Friday, August 29, 2008

Hmmmm... SXSW

Had a great tweetup the other night at John Harvards in Harvard Sq, Cambridge. Met some creative, intelligent people in the social media sector, and even ran into a couple people I met at PodCamp Boston.

Amy Greenlaw aka girlgamy who I met at Podcamp was there and told me about an inteeresting panel that she is trying to get set up at SXSW 2009 about how social media impacts todays politics. This is something I am naturally interested in since my web start-up project Tomorrowish will have a major portion devoted to political promises and the ever constant of predictions of pundits. I signed up to leave a comment on the SXSW board specifically to add my support for the panel and I am seriously considering going to SXSW for the first time.

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