
Sunday, July 8, 2007


I have tried this several times on various blog sites and personally setup web applications. Some of them I have kept up to date and others I have not. The point of this Blog will be my personal idea melting pot. Hopefully as a central repository for my various interests, it will allow me to focus tighter on the more topical blogs and sites online.

If this works as planned I will be dropping a large variety of stuff on here. From general stuff found out on the web to my own ideas and projects. I might also include some of the standard blog naval gazing, life stories that are part and parcel of the blogosphere. However, I personally tend not to read those when other people write them so unless some personal story has topical relevance, you are unlikely to read it here. Besides if I wrote all my inner thoughts and daily travails all my mystique (all 0.0001 units thereof) would disappear.