UnknownDevices Recognizes Your Hardware When Device Manager Can't [Downloads]:
.. http://bit.ly/cPsjbS
Thursday, April 29, 2010
How Much Does CNN.com Suck? WTFCNN.com Shows You:
We’ve all had the experience. You visit cnn.com looking to c.. http://ping.fm/3EYj9
We’ve all had the experience. You visit cnn.com looking to c.. http://ping.fm/3EYj9
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
How to Seamlessly Run That One Windows App You Need on a Mac [Virtual Machines]:
.. http://bit.ly/9M5FnU
.. http://bit.ly/9M5FnU
Woot! Off in Progress; Check Out Our Woot Guide for Maximum Loot Grabbing [Dealhacker]:
.. http://bit.ly/dqbicn
.. http://bit.ly/dqbicn
Monday, April 26, 2010
Google updates Nexus One page, tells Verizon customers to get a Droid Incredible instead (update: the Verizon N.. http://bit.ly/c49gIo
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Giant 'origami' crane slash tent:
Attendees at this year's Coachella Music and Arts Festival in California .. http://bit.ly/dvjntn
Attendees at this year's Coachella Music and Arts Festival in California .. http://bit.ly/dvjntn
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Foreign Service Institute's Extensive Language Courses Are Available Free Online [Free]:
.. http://bit.ly/9ZKw1p
.. http://bit.ly/9ZKw1p
Thursday, April 22, 2010
What could your business do with 20 iPads? Box.net & TUAW want to find out: Filed under: TUAW BusinessThere.. http://bit.ly/dx886z
The White House: open-source Drupal developer?:
Call it a sign of the times: not only is the Obama White Hous.. http://bit.ly/a9eiYQ
Call it a sign of the times: not only is the Obama White Hous.. http://bit.ly/a9eiYQ
Hitler's pissed off about fair use:
Hitler's back and he's pissed to discover that parodies of the bunker sce.. http://bit.ly/bzFid9
Hitler's back and he's pissed to discover that parodies of the bunker sce.. http://bit.ly/bzFid9
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The Unofficial Beta Test: WebinarListings: WebinarListing is a calendars for online webinars.
We feel it’s impo.. http://bit.ly/96QJxz
We feel it’s impo.. http://bit.ly/96QJxz
Sunday, April 18, 2010
AppleCare without Apple stores... still worth it: Filed under: Odds and endsOnce upon a time, I worked for a ma.. http://bit.ly/ckGfb1
iPad Sprocket Pocket signals bicyclist's intentions: Filed under: iPad I love cycling and I love the iPad, but .. http://bit.ly/bMAJ3Y
Hit Stop -> Stop -> Play and Other Tricks to Skip DVD Trailers and Warnings [DVDs]:
.. http://bit.ly/90Nkvz
.. http://bit.ly/90Nkvz
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Instant Virgin Atlantic Top Tier Elite Status: Enroll at this link for instant Gold status in Virgin Atlantic’s.. http://bit.ly/bE6Clf
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
First look: Camera for iPad: Filed under: iPadNo, it's not a hardware device, but Camera for iPad (US$0.99) can.. http://bit.ly/912ti4
Mass. Gambling Bill Would Criminalize Online Poker: timothy writes "Awesome: 'A gambling bill introduced by Mas.. http://bit.ly/bGOG5e
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cacoo Lets Multiple Users Create Designs Collaboratively And In Real-time: Most people still use traditional ap.. http://bit.ly/dpEKxL
How Can I Convert PDFs and Other Ebooks to the ePub Format? [Ask Lifehacker]:
.. http://bit.ly/aICM59
.. http://bit.ly/aICM59
Boston’s Raizlabs Climbs App Store’s Charts: SketchPad HD makes your iPad into a virtual notepad.
On Saturday w.. http://bit.ly/9Q5xcj
On Saturday w.. http://bit.ly/9Q5xcj
Friday, April 2, 2010
Why I won't buy an iPad (and think you shouldn't, either):
I've spent ten years now on Boing Boing, finding co.. http://bit.ly/do8MY4
I've spent ten years now on Boing Boing, finding co.. http://bit.ly/do8MY4
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
The Geek/Nerd/Dork/Dweeb Venn Diagram:
And that, my friends, is exactly why I'm a geek. Now I don't know abou.. http://bit.ly/9HGUS2
And that, my friends, is exactly why I'm a geek. Now I don't know abou.. http://bit.ly/9HGUS2
Monday, March 29, 2010
Free Printable Sketching, Wireframing and Note-Taking PDF Templates: Sketching and wireframing are a speciali.. http://bit.ly/97hqao
Saturday, March 27, 2010
How Can I Read If All My Books Have Giant Holes In The Middle?: Lightsaber Bookends:
Been searching for the p.. http://bit.ly/bPZ6f4
Been searching for the p.. http://bit.ly/bPZ6f4
Thursday, March 25, 2010
ScreenSharingMenulet hits 2.0: Filed under: Cool toolsScreenSharingMenulet is a free (donations requested) prog.. http://bit.ly/b7hVQK
Screenshot Plus and iWork: the poor man's screenshot editing suite: Filed under: Productivity, iWorkDespite the.. http://bit.ly/aMAzXt
Sunday, March 21, 2010
iPodMeister gives you an iPad for your old CDs: Filed under: iPad Want to get a new iPad but a little short on .. http://bit.ly/dsDMKR
5 Best Twitter Analytics Tools: As a heavy Twitter user, I am always looking for ways to improve my tweeting to.. http://bit.ly/cPGuuI
Thursday, March 18, 2010
3 Ways to Prevent Boston from Losing Another Facebook: It's time to come to terms with Facebook's depar.. http://bit.ly/b2Pn8L
NBP: FCC proposes "video.gov" public archive:
Say what you want about the Federal Communications Commission's.. http://bit.ly/9zJM8e
Say what you want about the Federal Communications Commission's.. http://bit.ly/9zJM8e
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Open-ended toys are the best. That's why construction sets like Lego, or the previously reviewed.. http://bit.ly/cGiYTU
Open-ended toys are the best. That's why construction sets like Lego, or the previously reviewed.. http://bit.ly/cGiYTU
Saturday, March 6, 2010
KeeFox Integrates KeePass and Firefox (At Long Last) [Downloads]: Firefox: KeeFox brings tight integration betw.. http://bit.ly/8X0a8k
Thursday, March 4, 2010
YouTube Launches Auto-Captions For All Videos: I’m here at YouTube’s office in San Bruno, where the company is .. http://bit.ly/d7Sl5D
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Squeeze Saves Hard Drive Space on Your Mac, Is Free Today, Seems Almost Magical [Downloads]: Mac only: If you.. http://bit.ly/a9nbn5
Monday, March 1, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Nexus One coming to Verizon March 23rd?:
What better way to start your Saturday afternoon than with another Ne.. http://bit.ly/b9CDPB
What better way to start your Saturday afternoon than with another Ne.. http://bit.ly/b9CDPB
Friday, February 26, 2010
Not your father's PageRank: Steven Levy on how Google's search algorithm has changed over the years.
Take,.. http://bit.ly/93vy3a
Take,.. http://bit.ly/93vy3a
For all your digital guitar playing cheat sheet needs, there's i-Tab:
Admit it, you're not really working remo.. http://bit.ly/dciTon
Admit it, you're not really working remo.. http://bit.ly/dciTon
Kwizzcard printed electronic game cards do the impossible, make Magic: The Gathering even nerdier: Kwizzcard is.. http://bit.ly/aRY1hA
Thursday, February 25, 2010
MakerBot Cupcake CNC:
I highly recommend the MakerBot Cupcake CNC, a very cool tool! I’m an engineering stude.. http://bit.ly/9JAUpk
I highly recommend the MakerBot Cupcake CNC, a very cool tool! I’m an engineering stude.. http://bit.ly/9JAUpk
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Stop Google Chat Status Messages from Displaying in Buzz and Other Buzz Tips [Social Networks]: Google continue.. http://bit.ly/cmsiQZ
Monday, February 22, 2010
Leech Plug disconnects when your gadget is charged, does Ma Earth a favor:
The TrickleStar line of products d.. http://bit.ly/8ZzXcQ
The TrickleStar line of products d.. http://bit.ly/8ZzXcQ
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Add an Alpha-Numeric Passcode to Your iPhone or iPod touch [Security]: Want a little stronger security lock-dow.. http://bit.ly/dyu0d1
Thursday, February 18, 2010
PA School Spied On Students Via School-Issued Laptop Webcams: jargon82 writes "A Pennsylvania high school is us.. http://bit.ly/9QrLDM
Monday, February 15, 2010
Adjust Your Car Mirrors to Fully Cover Your Blind Spots: Shared by Mick Very important and it has saved my butt.. http://bit.ly/dluo3b
Snow Tracking: Shared by Mick All that for a pun.
[extracted from Snow Tracking via feedly] http://ping.fm/gQDol
[extracted from Snow Tracking via feedly] http://ping.fm/gQDol
Sunday, February 14, 2010
How To Replace FileVault With EncFS: agoston.horvath writes "I've written a HOWTO on replacing Mac OS X's built.. http://bit.ly/afXCiE
Saturday, February 13, 2010
How many oranges does it take to charge an Apple? (video):
We've seen lemons power a digital clock, and we've .. http://bit.ly/c4tRDt
We've seen lemons power a digital clock, and we've .. http://bit.ly/c4tRDt
Friday, February 12, 2010
I forked the excellent (open source!) Notational Velocity app, and hacked in a third pane that shows...: Shared.. http://bit.ly/brSOWt
Winter Olympics 2010: The iPhone experience: Filed under: Other Events, iPhone, iPod touchThe Opening Ceremony .. http://bit.ly/cAWCfj
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet (PDF): Over the last months we released a variety of icon sets, tool.. http://bit.ly/bNkJDF
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Awesome Foundation Funds Awesome Innovation: The Awesome Foundation, started by 23yo Tim Hwang, gives $1,000 to.. http://bit.ly/9k86Qj
Monday, February 8, 2010
Win 5 Signed Copies Of Information Is Beautiful!:
My lovely book, Information Is Beautiful, is out in the UK.. http://bit.ly/ctPTXs
My lovely book, Information Is Beautiful, is out in the UK.. http://bit.ly/ctPTXs
Sunday, February 7, 2010
New Competitions for Entrepreneurs and Growing Companies: It’s great to get recognition for your small business.. http://bit.ly/dlTDul
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Fantastic photography of Michael Paul Smith: Shared by Mick I worked with him and helped him with his website o.. http://bit.ly/dnbJ8s
Friday, February 5, 2010
FillAnyPDF Lets You Electronically Fill In and Sign Any Form [PDFs]: Fax machines are going the way of the dodo.. http://bit.ly/ausj1r
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bacon Maple Lollipops Now Come Caffeinated:
Remember the post about Lollyphile's Maple Bacon Lollipops from m.. http://bit.ly/9mZYYN
Remember the post about Lollyphile's Maple Bacon Lollipops from m.. http://bit.ly/9mZYYN
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Five customized Automator services to help save you time: Filed under: Software, How-tos, Productivity One gem .. http://bit.ly/93a9ib
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Nexus One gets a software update, enables multitouch (updated with video!): The iPhone isn't the only handset g.. http://bit.ly/bbsPS7
Delete Your Account Shows You How to Remove or Recover Online Identities [Online Identity]: Ever want to delete.. http://bit.ly/bIswml
Take a Second Shot at Understanding Math [Learning]: Mathematics tends to bisect people into either fascination.. http://bit.ly/c6IZ0C
Monday, February 1, 2010
After the Deadline Brings Better Grammar and Spellchecking to Firefox, and It's Awesome [Downloads]: Firefox: A.. http://bit.ly/b9ffTT
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Build a Network Rack with an IKEA Table [DIY]: Whether it's fate, serendipity, or someone in IKEA's design depa.. http://bit.ly/blLnKk
Friday, January 29, 2010
BostInnovation’s Take on Follow Friday v1.0: Shared by Mick Well shucks, that's a surprise. Thanks.
Follow Frid.. http://bit.ly/dk7XYk
Follow Frid.. http://bit.ly/dk7XYk
Sikuli Automates Almost Anything with Screenshot Ease [Downloads]:
Windows/Mac/Linux: Ever wanted to write a .. http://bit.ly/bxmd44
Windows/Mac/Linux: Ever wanted to write a .. http://bit.ly/bxmd44
Monitor Your Health 24x7 With the WIN Human Recorder: kkleiner writes "Japanese venture firm WIN Human Rec.. http://bit.ly/9CTdU3
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Shh! BostInnovation to Throw Down Feb. 19!: Shhhhhh. It's TOP SECRET!
That’s right, ladies and gents. BostI.. http://bit.ly/bAjnqf
That’s right, ladies and gents. BostI.. http://bit.ly/bAjnqf
The Problem with the Apple iPad [Rants]: Yesterday, Steve Jobs worked his charm, attempting to wow the world wi.. http://bit.ly/dqBYI9
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Tracking Browsers Without Cookies Or IP Addresses?: Peter Eckersley writes "The EFF has launched a research pro.. http://bit.ly/b8r1Wx
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Got an iPhone App Idea? Appswell Just Might Buy It: Building iPhone apps YOU think are cool How do iPhone apps .. http://bit.ly/aFjBrN
Friday, January 22, 2010
MinuteBase Creates Agendas and Manages Notes for Your Next Meeting [Meetings]: Agendas and thorough notes are a.. http://bit.ly/8AKBxD
Thursday, January 21, 2010
The Cornucopia: MIT's 3D food printer patiently awaits 'the future': Shared by Mick I love the futu.. http://bit.ly/617Ku8
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
BumpTop Mac Makes Your Desktop a 3D Entity [Downloads]: Mac OS X: Like its Windows 7 counterpart, the BumpTop d.. http://bit.ly/7mPBol
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
How to be an entrepreneur/intrapreneur and not ruin your marriage: How to be an entrepreneur/intrapreneur and n.. http://bit.ly/6bwYiJ
Nano-Scale Robot Arm Moves Atoms With 100% Accuracy: destinyland writes "A New York professor has built a .. http://bit.ly/6f7ZZt
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The BearExtender n3 gives you more Wi-Fi range at a low cost: Filed under: Hardware, Peripherals, Airport, Revi.. http://bit.ly/7c77Ks
Monday, January 11, 2010
Former Apple engineer: Fingerworks may be a part of the tablet: Shared by Mick Apple has a lot more fingerworks.. http://bit.ly/5yAxvP
Sunday, January 10, 2010
MOTO gives straight advice on smartphone touchscreen quality (video):
Like simple and unsophisticated tests? H.. http://bit.ly/7MmCT4
Like simple and unsophisticated tests? H.. http://bit.ly/7MmCT4
Friday, January 8, 2010
Some Videos From the Floor

The other video is a walk around of a unique display designed to show off something, not quite sure what, but they sell speakers.
2D TV Really 2D
Silly, Loud and Green
ZOMM wireless tether hands-on: Shared by Mick I tried this out myself and it is a simple winner for me.
Forget.. http://bit.ly/71kozO
Forget.. http://bit.ly/71kozO
CES So Far
So far there haven't been any real show stoppers at CES, except the ShowStoppers event that was turning away press and bloggers left and right because they advertised it to all press, but then decided only to let in pre-approved press, but I digress.
I have seen some different products thata will likely become standard features in the coming years. The Zomm bluetooth keychain tether looks like a simple winning product. Nothing fancy but I tried it out myself and it worked like a charm, literally a charm.
It now seems weird to look at '2D' Televisions since nearly everything here is 3D. They aren't great but they handle the 3rd dimension well. The main issue now I see is the brightness levels are too low when you have to wear sunglasses to see the image. The glasses are much better looking than anything I have used before and the active shutter wireless glasses NVidea is sell for "$200 but the price will REALLY be about $150" worked great with no flicker at all.
More to come soon. Ebooks and iphone cases, as well as the Lenovo netbooks that have great industrial design and horsepower I wasn't expecting.
I have seen some different products thata will likely become standard features in the coming years. The Zomm bluetooth keychain tether looks like a simple winning product. Nothing fancy but I tried it out myself and it worked like a charm, literally a charm.
It now seems weird to look at '2D' Televisions since nearly everything here is 3D. They aren't great but they handle the 3rd dimension well. The main issue now I see is the brightness levels are too low when you have to wear sunglasses to see the image. The glasses are much better looking than anything I have used before and the active shutter wireless glasses NVidea is sell for "$200 but the price will REALLY be about $150" worked great with no flicker at all.
More to come soon. Ebooks and iphone cases, as well as the Lenovo netbooks that have great industrial design and horsepower I wasn't expecting.
MagicJack Femtocell Gates Cell Traffic to VoIP: olsmeister writes "MagicJack is demonstrating a femtocell devic.. http://bit.ly/4QZ34H
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
WineBottler Turns Windows Programs into Standalone OS X Applications [Downloads]: Mac only: Wine has always bee.. http://bit.ly/5B5ON3
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The Best Times to Buy Anything, All Year Round [Buying Guide]: You're always hearing about off-season, post-pea.. http://bit.ly/6LynpB
Monday, January 4, 2010
HabitForge Helps You Form New Habits in 21-Day Blocks [Habits]: HabitForge is a simple tool for ingraining new .. http://bit.ly/58XnAl
Skiff Reader is largest yet, will be hitting a Sprint Store near you:
Amazon's Kindle DX may be big, but i.. http://bit.ly/7oU2Cn
Amazon's Kindle DX may be big, but i.. http://bit.ly/7oU2Cn
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Build a Storage Bin Igloo: Shared by Mick Awesome! My friends igloo made it to lifehacker.
If you've got a hank.. http://bit.ly/6aOcQY
If you've got a hank.. http://bit.ly/6aOcQY
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